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Hair Loss Products For Women | Essentials For Hair Health

Hair Loss Products For Women

Most women experience hair more than the said normal amount of hair loss, which is about 50 to 100 hairs per day, at least a few times in their lives. This can be attributed to a variety of factors such as your genetics, hormonal fluctuations, chemical or heat damage, or as a result of age. Below, we are tackling the best components of good hair loss support products to help you select the most suitable products for you.

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Essential hair loss products

Hair loss products come in many different forms, from medications to topical treatments, and dietary supplements. Below you will find a list of the necessary hair loss products for your regime and what exactly makes them essential.

Hair vitamins

With tons of hair vitamins on the market, it’s not always easy to distinguish between the good, the bad, and the redundant. If you take the right hair vitamins, you will benefit from stronger, healthier hair.

Hair vitamins act as a supplement to your diet, should you not be consuming enough of each nutrient per day and a general filler for the days you skip out on important nutrients. Below is a list of essential hair loss support nutrients found in vitamins for hair growth and a run-down of exactly what makes them credible enough to make it onto our list:

  • B Vitamins: One of the most credible B vitamins for hair growth is Biotin. A deficiency in this nutrient has been directly connected to hair loss, fortunately, it is easy to source naturally from foods such as legumes, the yolk of an egg, selected beans, and avocados, to name a few. If you do not consume these foods on a regular basis, it is important that you safeguard yourself from the hair-loss effects of biotin deficiency by opting for hair vitamins that contain biotin.
  • Vitamin D: Both a deficiency and an excess of the fat-soluble vitamin D can result in hair loss, however, consuming 2000IU per day is important for cell proliferation, which is defined as the dividing of cells which results in hair growth and new hair growth from existing hair follicles. This means that hair follicles that once consisted of 2 hair shafts begin growing a 3rd hair shaft, for example. Great sources of vitamin D are oily fish such as mackerel or salmon, red meats such as beef, the yolk of an egg, or foods that have been fortified such as cereals and fatty spreads.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, preventing oxidative stress which is often caused by excessive exposure to high-fat, processed foods, radiation exposure, cigarette or tobacco inhalation, and alcohol. A few common sources of vitamin E include seeds, certain nuts, avocados and leafy greens.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: This justifiably hyped nutrient repairs the hair from the inside out, improving hair strength, nourishing hair follicles, and promoting hair growth as a bi-product of healthy, conditioned hair. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids is an important safeguard against hair loss and should be prioritised when selecting hair vitamins. Some common sources of Omega-3 are tuna, salmon, chia seeds, walnuts, and flaxseed.
  • Zinc: This nutrient plays an important role in the regulation of normal functions in the oil glands. An inadequate zinc intake could result in excessive dandruff, inflammation of the hair follicles (folliculitis), and excessive hair loss as a result of blocked hair follicles which lead to scratching and pulling. Natural sources of zinc include crab, lobster, oysters, red meat, and poultry. Other sources include beans and whole grains, however, it is recommended that you take zinc supplements as a vegetarian to ensure adequate consumption.
  • Iron: Many women struggle with heavy menstrual cycles which is normal, however, not everyone understands the impact that this has on your hair. Substantial blood loss leads to excessive iron loss and should be accounted for by means of supplements. Iron plays an important role in aiding the transferal of oxygen from the red blood cells to other cells in the body. Without iron, conditions such as anaemia may occur, causing rapid hair loss.

Hair shampoo

The duration of your hair growth cycle is dependent on various genetic factors, that cannot be altered by using a hair growth shampoo. However, hair-loss products do act as a shield against the various factors that lead to hair loss, therefore, aiding in sustainable hair growth and hindering the hair-loss effects that certain deficiencies or damage can have on your hair.

Keeping your hair clean is one of the most important components in any hair regime, however, it is vital that opt for a shampoo that doesn’t strip your hair of all its natural, healing, and conditioning oils. Here is a list of beneficial ingredients for hair loss to look out for when selecting a shampoo:

  • Histidine: The ingredient shields the hair from UV and UVB rays while absorbing excess copper from the hair shafts while improving the tensile hair strength, which is defined as the maximum stress that the hair can handle before breaking.
  • Phyto-caffeine: This phyto-active ingredient protects the hair from the hair loss effects of declining estrogen levels and promotes stronger hair growth by revitalising the hair from the inside out, restoring nourishment in the root and hair follicle.
  • Vitamin B3: Commonly known as niacin, this vitamin is responsible for a fuller, thicker appearance of the hair. Additionally, acting as an aid for circulation and promotes blood flow to the scalp which ultimately promotes hair growth in the fight against hair loss.
  • Biotin: As mentioned above, biotin is a key ingredient in hair growth promoting products due to the effect it has on keratin production which leads to an increased cell division within the hair follicle, ultimately promoting hair growth from the root of the hair. Finding a shampoo that contains biotin will also help promote thicker hair and protect your hair against frizziness, which tends to lead to damage the more often the hair is brushed.
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Do you need hair loss products?

It is incredibly important that you are protecting the health of your hair from the inside out by maintaining healthy habits and making healthy dietary choices. However, the effects of hair loss products for women do not occur immediately and should therefore be used repeatedly as a part of a regular hair care regime.

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