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Female Hair Loss Pattern

female hair loss pattern
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The moment you hear about someone going bald or getting hair that is thinning you automatically think of a male. However, that’s not always the case. Studies show that more than 4 in 10 women suffer hair loss every year, but why is this and what causes female hair loss pattern?  Let’s take a closer look at female hair loss.

What is Female Hair Loss?

Just as the name entails, female hair loss is when a woman loses a large amount of hair. They say we lose anything from 50 to 125 hairs a day, and this is normal as it’s creating more room for new hair growth, but this is known as hair shedding. Hair is completely different. Hair loss, medically known as Alopecia, is when you have more hair fall out than what grows back.

Female Hair Loss Types

Different Types of Female Hair Loss Patterns

When it comes to hair loss, there are three different types that you get namely anagen effluvium, telogen effluvium and androgenetic alopecia. Let’s go over what each of these are.

·        Anagen Effluvium: This is a type of hair loss that is caused because your growing hair follicles get poisoned by certain medications such as chemotherapy.

·        Telogen Effluvium: Our hair goes through various stages, one of which is the telogen phase, or resting phase, which is the phase where your hair tends to fall out. Telogen Effluvium is caused by too many hair follicles getting to this telogen phase.

·        Androgenetic Alopecia: This goes by a few other names such as female pattern alopecia, female hair loss or, simply, baldness. This is the most common form of hair loss that is seen in women.

Who is at Risk of Seeing Female Hair Loss Patterns?

Female hair loss pattern affects any female at any age, however, there are a few factors that make you more susceptible to experiencing it. One of the biggest reasons is age. Women who are 40+ years have a higher chance of experiencing female hair loss pattern than younger females. Along with the age factor, menopause also plays a role in affecting your hair.

Ladies who have just given birth tend to experience female hair pattern, as well as women who have undergone chemotherapy and other strong medications.

One of the biggest factors that can cause hair loss in females is the way they tend to style their hair. Tight ponies and braids can cause women to start experiencing hairline in the form of a receding hairline. Harsh chemicals used on your hair can also promote female hair loss pattern.

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